On another (general topic) forum I have encountered an active JW while answering JW question in a 'less propaganda, more facts' way.
We started a discussion, which turned into a long, ongoing (and pleasant) conversation about all kinds of topics.
This kind person really wants so save me (his lost brother)...but of course he has trouble swaying an atheist as there is no evidence for God's existence.
So he asked me if I would be willing to see some videos that prove demons exist. Because if demons, then angels and God. He was quite hesitant, fearing that I might be pulled into the dark side of demon possession by these videos, or that I would be bullied by them at least.
I expected exorcisms, possessed people, and the like.
What I got was this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI7uHI1x09A&list=PLDECA889975B1C648
A series of magician performing illusions, edited together with some comments to 'prove' demons did it.
I have painstakingly researched each illusion, gave him thorough analysis how the illusions are (or could be) done, and included the links to where he could buy most of the props needed.
Still he insists that some of the illusions must be done by demons.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fWVAN0Er_4 is the final one, where demons must be doing the changing, or at least slow down time(!). Unfortunately for him, there is a perfectly natural explanation.
JW attribute all kinds of perfectly normal events to demons, and the rest to God.
- Scary stuff = demons
- Bad stuff = Satan
- Nice stuff = JW
- Good stuff = Jesus/God
Something bad happens: this proves demons/Satan exist!
Something good happens: this proves God exist!
No arguing with that perfect logic.